Fed Fix: What is Inbound Marketing?

The Information Age is defined as the rapid transmission and access to vast amounts of information. This age has perpetually changed societies, cultures, and economies, including the marketing landscape. In the 1970s, individuals were exposed to an estimated number of 500 daily advertisements. As businesses continued to leverage digital advertising channels, this average grew to … Read more

The Best Software for Small Business in 2020

The Best Software for Small Business in 2020 There really are a lot of software tools to choose from in 2020. And if you’re running any sort of small business, chances are you’re going to need some of it.  So what’s the best software for small businesses in 2020? Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/WHWYBmtn3_0 Actually, what makes one … Read more

What does an office support specialist do ?

Configuration Objective: Performs several complex tasks related to corporate / office-related workspaces, which require a good knowledge of comprehensive and specialized services. Experts now use this knowledge to work on self-assessment and to respond to clinical and quantitative responses. A counselor and manager are with your caregiver for complex issues or those who need what … Read more