SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column ‘created_at’

Illuminate\Database\QueryException SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column ‘created_at’   I am getting this error when i am trying to join three tables in following code and the error is SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column ‘created_at’ which i am getting when i try to run the project. Solution in the above program you are try … Read more

How to Generate Custom Unique ID in Laravel

The unique ID can be important part of any web application because it uniquely identify the record by that particular id and this unique id can be used for many purpose. Some people like to generate unique id as auto incremental and someone like to generate unique id in custom format. This custom id can … Read more

How to use implode and explode in PHP

Implode and explode functions in PHP are commonly used function in PHP. These function may be used in PHP frameworks such as Laravel, CodeIgniter. Implode and explode functions are used to work with arrays and strings. So in this article i am going to explain how can can use Implode and Explode function in PHP. … Read more

Replace space with dash underscore in Laravel

Sometimes we need to replace some character or spaces with another character in laravel or any other programming languages similarly today, i am going to explain how can we replace space with dash “-” symbol with spaces between words such as replace space with dash underscore in laravel to replace-space-with-dash-underscore-in-laravel. This is very useful concept … Read more

Laravel Page Not Found Error 404 Not Found, but route exist in Laravel

The Page Not Found error generally found when your application can not find the required route in your application or website. Following are few common steps to resolve this error. 1. Check Route Definitions Make sure that the route you are trying to access is defined in the file called routes/web.php or routes/api.php (for API … Read more