LMS / Course Management System Project with Source Code in PHP Laravel

Learning Management System (LMS) or Course Management System (CMS) projects simplify online educational content creation, management, and sharing. The initiative centralizes course materials, progress tracking, and learning activities for teachers and students. An LMS or CMS’s front-end and back-end must be created to ensure user satisfaction. The Online course website source code in php and … Read more

Whatsapp Contact Form Source Code Html CSS Javascript

Explanation Bootstrap Form: The form is styled using Bootstrap classes. JavaScript Function: The sendToWhatsApp() function retrieves the form data, formats it into a WhatsApp message, and opens WhatsApp Web with the pre-filled message using https://wa.me/. WhatsApp API: Replace 1234567890 with your WhatsApp number (in international format, without the + or leading zeros). Validation: The form … Read more

Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘0’ in ‘field list’ – Laravel – I don’t have a 0 column

The error: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘0’ in ‘field list’ occurs when Laravel or the underlying SQL query references a column that doesn’t exist in the database table. The specific mention of ‘0’ suggests that either: Your query is trying to reference a column named 0, which doesn’t exist. A list of columns … Read more

How to exit outer foreach loop in laravel

To fetch records from two tables in Laravel and break the loop when a condition matches, you can use nested foreach loops. Here’s an example: Example: Fetch and Compare Records from Two Tables Explanation Fetching Data: Use DB::table(‘table_name’)->get() to fetch data from both tables. Replace ‘table1’ and ‘table2’ with the actual table names. Nested Loops: … Read more

Laravel-How can I do a filter from multiple dropdown select on the view using one single query

To implement a filter system using multiple dropdown selects and a search bar with a single query, here’s a structured approach using Laravel’s Eloquent model: Step 1: Form in Blade View Create a form with input fields for the search bar and dropdown selects. Step 2: Backend Logic in Controller In your controller, use the … Read more

Making WhatsApp Order Form using HTML, CSS, Javascript

Explanation Form Structure: The form includes fields for the user’s name, email, contact number, delivery address, pincode, and landmark. Product Selection: Each product is represented by a checkbox (<input type=”checkbox”>) with an associated quantity input (<input type=”number”>). The quantity input is initially set to 1 and is linked to its corresponding product by appending the … Read more

How to Set Meta(Title,Description,Keywords) in Layout file in Laravel livewire

In Laravel, To set meta tags (title, description, and keywords) dynamically in a Laravel Livewire layout file, follow these steps: Step 1. Define Meta Properties in the Livewire Component To add title, description, and keywords properties to your Livewire component and set default values or dynamically update them in the component’s logic. Example: 2. Pass … Read more

Stock Management System Source Code in PHP and MySQL

This Stock Management System is a web-based application designed to streamline and enhance inventory tracking for small businesses. Accessible online, it offers an intuitive user interface for easy operation, making it an ideal solution for managing product inventory. The application supports various functionalities, including managing purchases, returns, receiving, and sales. Technologies Used This system is … Read more

How to Run Migration Under a Folder in Laravel

In Laravel, if you want to use database tables you have to create migrations to make those tables. These migrations files are required to run migration commands to generate tables.Generally this migrations files are found under \Database\Migrations folder but some time if we are developing a project which have multiple sections and these sections may … Read more