Setup separate layouts for the frontend and for the admin panel in your Laravel Livewire project

1. Define Frontend & Admin Layouts in Blade Templates Ensure your resources/views/layouts folder has these two layout files: resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php (Frontend Layout) resources/views/layouts/admin-app.blade.php (Admin Layout) 2. Use Layouts in Livewire Components In Livewire components, you can specify which layout to use by updating the render method. Frontend Livewire Component Example For frontend components, use app.blade.php: public … Read more

How to Set Meta(Title,Description,Keywords) in Layout file in Laravel livewire

In Laravel, To set meta tags (title, description, and keywords) dynamically in a Laravel Livewire layout file, follow these steps: Step 1. Define Meta Properties in the Livewire Component To add title, description, and keywords properties to your Livewire component and set default values or dynamically update them in the component’s logic. Example: 2. Pass … Read more

How to call another component function in current component in Livewire 3 Laravel

In Laravel Livewire, you can call a method from one component in another component by dispatch() method in the current component and listening for that event in the target component. So following is the way to achieve this result. Steps to Call Another Component’s Function in Livewire 1. dispatch an Event in the Current Component … Read more

How to create Dynamic Rows with Input Fields in Laravel Livewire

Using Laravel Livewire to implement “How to create Dynamic Rows with Input Fields in Laravel Livewire” provides a more dynamic and reactive user experience. Below is a complete solution for your requirement in Laravel Livewire. Step 1: Create a Livewire Component Run the following command to create a Livewire component: Step 2: Update the Livewire … Read more