[Solved] __autoload() is no longer supported, use spl_autoload_register() instead in c:\xampp\htdocs\PHPapp\PHPMailerAutoload.php on line 37
If you are facing the following error
autoload() is no longer supported, use spl_autoload_register() instead in c:\xampp\htdocs\PHPapp\PHPMailerAutoload.php on line 37
We are here to solve your error. This error can be occurred on localhost and web hosting server as well.Following are the solution of this error
This error is occurred due to compatibilities of PHP Versions. You are using the old version of PHPMailer so you need to change php version as per you php files so try to upgrade or downgrade the php version .I changed my PHP version from 8.0 to 7.3 and my files started working fine.

Ravindra is a passionate full stack developer and dedicated blogger with a flair for crafting user-friendly web applications and insightful articles. With expertise spanning front-end and back-end technologies, Ravindra brings ideas to life through innovative coding solutions.