How to assign a user ID to a guard in Laravel

1. Ensure Guard is Defined in auth.php In config/auth.php, make sure the college guard is properly configured: 2. Log In User with Guard To manually authenticate a user under the college guard, use: 3. Retrieve Logged-in User Once authenticated, you can retrieve the user ID using: $userId = Auth::guard(‘college’)->user()->id; 4. Logout the User To log … Read more

Setup separate layouts for the frontend and for the admin panel in your Laravel Livewire project

1. Define Frontend & Admin Layouts in Blade Templates Ensure your resources/views/layouts folder has these two layout files: resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php (Frontend Layout) resources/views/layouts/admin-app.blade.php (Admin Layout) 2. Use Layouts in Livewire Components In Livewire components, you can specify which layout to use by updating the render method. Frontend Livewire Component Example For frontend components, use app.blade.php: public … Read more

Illuminate \ Contracts \ Encryption \ DecryptException The payload is invalid in laravel

The error “Illuminate \ Contracts \ Encryption \ DecryptException: The payload is invalid” in Laravel occurs when the decryption of an encrypted value fails. This can happen due to several reasons: Possible Causes & Solutions: 1. Incorrect Encryption Key (APP_KEY) Laravel uses the encryption key defined in the .env file (APP_KEY). If the key is … Read more

SQLSTATE[HY001]: Memory allocation error: 1038 Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size

The error SQLSTATE[HY001]: Memory allocation error: 1038 Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size occurs when MySQL runs out of memory while sorting data. To resolve this issue, follow these steps: 1. Increase sort_buffer_size in MySQL Configuration The sort_buffer_size determines the amount of memory allocated for sorting operations. Increasing it can help … Read more

Cheapest Dedicated Hosting: Maintaining High Performance

Dedicated hosting is considered the most effective for organizations that require superior levels of performance, security, and power to maximize and manage resources effectively. Thus, as every business seeks to achieve the best performance from its costs, dedicated hosting would be the perfect solution in such situations. Whether you want to buy Linux dedicated hosting … Read more

How to remove public folder in url in laravel 10, 11 and Above versions

How to Remove “public” from URLs Laravel developers often face an issue where the public folder appears in their URLs. By default, Laravel serves the application through the public directory, but for clean and professional URLs, it’s essential to remove it. In this guide, we’ll explore how to properly remove the public folder from Laravel … Read more

Responsive Landing page source code in Html, CSS and Bootstrape

Landing pages are a critical element of any online marketing strategy. They are designed to capture leads, promote products, and convert visitors into customers. To create a compelling landing page, you don’t need to be an expert coder. With HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, you can design a professional, responsive, and user-friendly landing page. In this … Read more

LMS / Course Management System Frontend Source Code in HTML,CSS & Javascript

Front-end source code is the visible element of an LMS or CMS. It governs how students, professors, and supervisors use the system. Thanks to Online course website source code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the site’s front end is easy to use, appealing, and interactive. It is how users access classes, keep track of their … Read more